
Apr 30, 2012

Sociopathy 1:25

Some people do not have a conscience. In fact, 1 in 25 people don't have a conscience. 1 in 25. They're called sociopaths. They're not all murderous villains. Some just don't want to work and can manipulate the system to make that happen for them. They have no inner voice telling them what they want is wrong. Some are murderers, criminals. Most are CEO's, teachers, police officers. No kidding. I learned this in a recent class I attended regarding toxic people. An it is probably the most important thing I have learned to date.

You see. All this time I thought everyone had a conscience. Everyone but crazy murderers that is. And that everyone operated on the same principles. Everyone wanted to do good, do the "right" thing. When you realize that 1 in 25 people don't care about what is right or wrong. Rather they care about how to get what they want weather it be fame, fortune, a promotion, power, to be taken care of, drugs. Right and wrong play no part. When you realize these people exist it all makes a little more sense.

That jerk boss who stole your ideas and got promoted. The co-worker who scapegoated you. The peer who bullied you. The boss who manages to look good at the expense of others. The boyfriend who never gets a job and you continued to support. The addict who keeps going to the hospital and nothing is wrong with them but they get lots of pain meds and a million dollar work up. People who fake a disability. They all have one thing in common. No conscience. They have figured out how to get whatever want. A free ride, drugs, attention, power.

1 in 25. That's a lot of people.

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